This is our Universal Electric Water Heater for electric vehicles.
It is designed to fit almost all cars using existing car water heating systems.

Test Video
Higher voltage will consume more power in Watts and lower voltage will consume less.
The recommended Max Voltage for this model is 120V DC which would consume ~3500W.
We also have models for up to 420V DC systems.
Electric Water Heater Kit contains:
– Water heater with relay 72-120V (depends on the model up to 420V)
– Water pump 12V (high temperatures, rubber mount, low noise)
– PreConfigured Thermostat 12V
We also have an option of two different types of water pumps as shown in the image.
96V Heater resistance is 4.1 ohm
48V = 560W (too low for heating in strong winter)
72V = 1250W (ok for low heating)
96V = 2250W (super for heating, best choice)
110V = 2950W (high power heating)
120V = 3500W (extreme high power heating)
* don’t exceed voltage over 120V with this heater
180V Heater resistance is 14.6 ohm
96V = 630W (too low for heating in strong winter)
110V = 830W (too low for heating in strong winter)
120V = 980W (too low for heating in strong winter)
144V = 1420W (ok for low heating)
180V = 2220W (super for heating, best choice)
200V = 2730W (high power heating)
220V = 3320W (extreme high power heating)
230V = 3620W (extreme high power heating)
* don’t exceed voltage over 230V with this heater
400V Heater resistance 47.3 ohm
250V = 1300W (ok for low heating)
270V = 1600W (ok for heating)
300V = 1900W (ok for heating)
330V = 2300W (super for heating, best choice)
360V = 2740W (high power heating)
390V = 3200W (extreme high power heating)
420V = 3730W (extreme high power heating)
* don’t exceed voltage over 420V with this heater
* Calculator:
Product link:
For voltage higher than 120V please get in touch with us.