Our EV Conversion Registration Rules

When we change cars to electric and make conversion kits, we stick to these rules. They're supposed to be the same or similar in all EU countries. It is not allowed to change the structure and integrity of the chassis. 1.1 It is not allowed to weld additional loads onto the chassis. 1.2 If welding […]

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EV Conversion Registration Rules for Croatia

1. nije dozvoljeno mijenjati strukturu i integritet šasije 1.1 nije dozvoljeno variti dodane terete za šasiju 1.2 ukoliko se ipak vari po šasiji, to mora izvršiti atestirani varioc 2. dodane terete (primarno nosač motora i baterijskog paketa) i strukture preporučeno je montirati na već postojeće rupe na šasiji 3. ne smiju se raditi izmjene na […]

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